An interesting tool/technology I encountered in preparation for Bootcamp
This topic is a big one for me, I encountered a lot of tools while preparing for the bootcamp as the internet is filled with resources.
The major technology I got introduced to while preparing for the bootcamp is JavaScript. I realized that Javascript has a lot of built in methods, there are complexities to it.
Javascript is a high level interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMASript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, and weakly typed
I took out time reading and solving Javascript algorithms, was able to acknowlegde that Javascript is actually very interesting. I dug deeper into understanding how Javascript works, this kicked me off as I learnt
more about the Execution context, windows objects, objects, DOM Manipulation. I struggled around it f0r a while, though I still learn everyday
Although, I still consider myself new to the language but I find it fascinating because it can be as either a client and server side language.