How I demonstrated Growth Mindset
As an individual who feeds on knowledge, growth and learning, I believe the mind is limitless to an endless means of possibility, that is, what i believe about myself is what i will eventually become despite any adversity life throws at me. Having a growth mindset has been a motivating factor because I have a firm believe that I can grow through hardwork and dedication.
Growth as defined by Google is the process of increasing in size while the Growth mindset is the ability of one having improved intelligence, ability and performance.
Few months ago, I knew nothing about building RESTFUL APIs with Node Javascript, but to a reasonable extent I think I can write a better javascript code and I even have a better understanding on how Express JS works as well.
I am a work in progress and learning is an integral part of the human life. A person without a progressing path in life would be called redundant as a code that is no longer needed or useful. I have been able to build a few applications with Javascript despite my initial reservations, the fact that I could develop something from startup or solve a problem, made me more self confident. I do not take what life throws at me, I rather get what I want out of life as a go getter with determination and purpose, I am set to achieve that which is a top priority and a passion to me. Being a developer means that you have to be willing to have an open attitude towards learning in order to be a better version of yourself and to also gain more self confidence.
As a curious bee that likes to know how things are done and implement them without feeling intimidated or timid. Although, I am not where I want to be but I am far from where I started.