How I Demonstrated Growth Mindset Recently
Going into the Information technology field was quite challenging, as a computer science graduate with a passion for information technology, I developed an interest in website development. But starting was not easy, just as the saying “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task.”
I kept this thought in mind while threading the rough path of life, knowing that if I fail a thousand times, I will always get back up and fly.
Google describes the growth mindset as “Revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance.” I started believing in myself and my abilities more to work to my maximum capacity. I stopped the belief that what belongs to you will come to you as most Nigerians would say. I started ensuring that anything I wanted I get.
Learning Javascript and Node JS has to be a completely different learning curve for me. It has opened my eyes to logical reasoning and helped me scale through challenges on several learning platforms, which I believe would help me scale through any challenge I face at Andela as well. I see this as an improvement because I have failed a couple of times and always got frustrated at a point, but dedication and passion paved the path.
I knew that I could improve my knowledge capacity, with the growth mindset from a self-starter, I heavily contributed to building an eCommerce site with Php. However, being able to do this, made me curious as to how better I can get. There was a time in my life where when I needed any detail, I would ask a friend without researching about that topic online. I shunned that habit and became self-confident in my abilities. I do not believe that anyone is better than I am. But I know that we all have different capacities that can be improved.
Curiosity has been a game-changer for me. It helps me want to improve myself when I get challenged, without getting intimidated or timid. Amidst all, I am challenged to inspire and pressure myself into achieving better results because I have a set target.
I am proud of the progress that I have made so far, but of course, I’m still considering myself as someone who has a lot to learn. I do not undermine people, but I see myself as a young lady with an open perspective on how human beings perceive life.